God sightings, Scripture verses, What I've Learned Lately

Stepping (or floating) away from the rest of the world

When was the last time you got away from the world for a while, just stepped away and enjoyed the peace and quiet without checking your phone every few minutes? My husband and I spent several hours Sunday afternoon doing something we haven’t done together in years: fishing. And when I say years, I mean… Continue reading Stepping (or floating) away from the rest of the world

Living in Faith, Scripture verses

What’s so good about Good Friday?

Today is Good Friday, the day we remember Christ Jesus’ trial, crucifixion and death. It's a day of sorrow and devastating loss as we ponder what He went through on our behalf and the all-consuming grief that swallowed His disciples and other followers. Good Friday is a dark, dark day that makes us uncomfortable. But… Continue reading What’s so good about Good Friday?