God sightings, Living in Faith, Scripture Lessons

10 Bible verses about mountains

By Leigh DeLozier

“The mountains are calling, and I must go!”

Mountain enthusiasts emblazon this quote from John Muir on t-shirts, bumper stickers, home décor and more. And for good reason – the mountains are a special place.

How can you not be awed by their majesty, whether you’re surrounded by the craggy Rockies, leaf-laden Appalachians, or snowcapped Alps?

My family has been to the mountains twice in the last few weeks, which is part of the reason mountains are on my mind.

God formed the mountains on the third day of creation, when He separated the dry land from the waters:

And God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so. God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:9-10 ESV)

Multiple events of importance in the Bible happened on mountains.

To name a few:

  • The ark with Noah and his family rested atop the mountains of Ararat when it was time for the flood waters to recede (Genesis 8:1-5)
  • Abraham climbed a mountain in Moriah to sacrifice Isaac when God tested his faith (Genesis 22)
  • God gave Moses the Ten Commandments at the top of Mount Sinai (Exodus 19-20)
  • James, John, and Peter witnessed Jesus’ transfiguration on  (Matthew 17:1-13, Mark 9:2-13, and Luke 9:28-36)
  • Jesus prayed on the Mount of Olives before He was betrayed (Luke 22:39-46) (though it’s referred to as Gethsemane in Matthew 26 and Mark 14)

In addition to being physical meeting places, mountains also are mentioned throughout the Bible as symbols of strength, a place of refuge, obstacles that God can overcome, and simply for their beauty.

I can barely comprehend what it might have been like to watch God descend from the heavens like a cloud and cover the top of Mount Sinai while He talked with Moses.

But I can appreciate their beauty and strength.

Here are a few of my favorite Bible verses about mountains.

10 Bible verses about mountains

1) In the last days the mountain of the LORD’s temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it. (Isaiah 2:2)

2) Sing for joy, you heavens, for the LORD has done this; shout aloud, you earth beneath. Burst into song, you mountains, you forests and all your trees, for the LORD has redeemed Jacob, he displays his glory in Israel. (Isaiah 44:23)

3) Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you. (Isaiah 54:10)

4) You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. (Isaiah 55:12)

5) Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. (Psalm 90:2)

6) In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. (Psalm 95:4-5)

7) I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. (Psalm 121:1-2)

8) He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals his thoughts to mankind, who turns dawn to darkness, and treads on the heights of the earth – the LORD God Almighty is his name. (Amos 4:13)

9) He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20)

10) Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low. The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth. (Luke 3:5)

What are some of your favorite Bible verses about mountains?

Share in the comments below and we’ll all learn from each other.

How can you not be awed by the majesty of mountains? 10 Bible verses remind us of what they symbolize. #Bibleverses #Godsbeauty Click To Tweet

4 thoughts on “10 Bible verses about mountains”

  1. Ahhh, the mountains. There is certainly something peaceful, majestic, and rest-inducing about them, isn’t there? Many think the mountains take them closer to God (i.e., closer to heaven). I contend that the mountain of God resides within me because I choose each day how close I want to be to Him. He’s always right there with us, but we have to choose mountaintop experiences, even on those days when we find ourselves deep in a valley. God’s blessings Ms. Leigh, and thank you for starting my day off on the mountaintop!

    1. JD, I love that — the mountains reside within us because we choose each day how close we want to be to Him. What a beautiful, wise perspective! Thanks for stopping by, sir, and for sharing. We always love to hear your thoughts! God’s blessings to you as well. 🙂

  2. Thanks for sharing these wise lessons from the mountains God created and the important spiritual events that happened there. I never thought about some of these, Leigh. Blessings, my friend!

    1. Barbara, don’t you love how we can find messages and lessons from God anywhere we look? Being in awe of His creativity is just one of the reasons I love the mountains so much. Blessings to you, too, my friend, and thanks for stopping by!

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