My Books

Devotion books Work from Home Moms Devotions to Go, Divas in Disguise, 3 Minute Devotions for Moms

I wrote and illustrated my first book when I was about 8 years old. It was a story about a little bear who lived in a refrigerator box, and I wrote it while sitting in the back yard in — you guessed it — the box from my mom’s new refrigerator. I gave the little book to Mama, who actually still has it all these years later.

That was my first book … but it was a single, specially made product. My first book for the rest of the world was published in 2006 by Extreme Diva Media: Work-from-home Moms’ Devotions to Go.

My second devotional book, Divas in Disguise: Finding the True Diva in You, was published for middle school girls in 2008.

3-Minute Devotions for Moms followed in 2014.

Prior to writing Work-from-home Moms’ Devotions to Go, I was blessed to have numerous devotions published in several volumes of Penned from the Heart. I will always be thankful for the opportunities those books offered.

In fall 2022, one of my stories, “When Our Prayers Feel Too Bold,” was included in an anthology published by Lighthouse Bible Studies. The book, Feed Your Soul with the Word of God, Collection 2: A Banquet of Thirty Short Bible Studies is exactly what it sound like: a collection of 30 short Bible study articles from more than 20 authors.

Most of the devotions I write focus on the ways we can see God in everyday life if we’ll only slow down a bit and pay attention. I also enjoy writing about new things I learn during my Bible study time. I hope to someday add more devotions to my list of titles, but in the meantime you’ll find posts about those things on my blog or by subscribing to my newsletter.


stack of devotional books with coffee cup