Writing life

Confession & Celebration

They (whoever ‘they’ might be) say confession is good for the soul, so here’s my stab at it for the moment.

I keep whacking the snooze button or — even worse — turning off the alarm altogether instead of getting up super early to work on my novel. Not every morning at least, but more than I should be and more than I want. So what’s a non-morning girl to do? Get up and do it anyway! I have a tendency to want to write the story straight through so if I get a bit hung up with a scene it can throw me off for a couple of days until I know the direction to go. Not good, considering I’d like to be MUCH further along with my draft when I go to the Blue Ridge Christian Writers Conference in May. I’m going to work on it a bit more tonight and force myself to get in some writing time before the rest of the family rolls out of bed in the morning.

Hmmm … that sounds like I’m forcing myself to write, which I’m not. I’m forcing myself to get up and do it so early. But I love starting the day with prayer and writing time, so need to remember that when the alarm squawks at 3:45. And yes, that’s AM, not PM. 🙂

OK, I feel better now, so on to the celebration. The same novel I’m having trouble working on so early in the morning actually has almost 24,000 words down! Woo hoo! That’s huge for me, especially considering that the most I’ve ever written on a story before is maybe 10 or 11k, tops. The scary part is I started out thinking I was shooting for about 75k. Considering where I am in the story and how much more I want to include, I can already see that I’ll pass right by 75k (someday!). Who would’ve thought?! I need to change the little word count bar in the margin even though my ‘percent complete’ is about to bottom out. Oh well, it’s gotta happen sometime so it might as well be now.

Maybe if I pat myself on the back hard enough it’ll knock me out of bed in the morning and get me going. Ya think?

2 thoughts on “Confession & Celebration”

  1. Hi Leigh,
    Have you been to the Blue Ridge Conference before?
    I have gone the last two years and it is wonderful.
    They have an excellent staff this year, looking forward to it. Have you taken any classes on fiction there?
    Congrats on the climbing word count on your novel!

    1. Hi, Cynthia! I went to Blue Ridge in ’07 and took Deb Raney’s continuing class on women’s fiction. It was a good class and she’s a great lady. I stuck with smaller, local conferences last year so am looking forward to being back in the mountains. I’m hoping to take Angie Hunt’s fiction class and am sure she’ll blow me away with all she shares.

      Maybe we’ll run into each other there!

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