Writing life


Welcome to my new blog! I already have two blogs in the WordPress world where I share thoughts on Bible verses, devotionals, and other things women and girls might want to read as encouragement. You can visit those by clicking the links in the right-hand bar for SoulRest Ministries or Godly Girl Place.

On this blog, I want to share more about the world of Christian writing — great books you might want to read, inside looks at some Christian writers’ conferences, and sneak peeks at what a writer’s life is really like.

I’m blessed to be a freelance writer/editor by day, but my real joy comes from the writing and speaking I do for God. My first book, Work-from-home Moms’ Devotions to Go, was published by Extreme Diva Media in June 2006. Extreme Diva will release two more books for me this year: Divas in Disguise and Every Girl’s a Diva. They’re both written for teen/tween girls and I’m SOOO excited about promoting them. Stay tuned for details on when they’re available and when I schedule book signings and such.

I met a literary agent at a Christian writers’ conference in Atlanta a few weeks ago and was pleasantly surprised when he asked me to send him a proposal. Can’t beat that for a meeting I went into with the plan of simply picking his brain about some things! The proposal is for another devotional book and is an idea I’ve toyed with for quite some time but have never really talked with anyone about. I’m polishing it up and hope to send it his way early next week.

Speaking of which, I’d better sign off from here and get back to that final proposal read-through!